Seated Desk Stretches for Office Workers

Have you ever been sitting at your desk at work just thinking about how you don’t really need a clock from 9-5 because you have to get up every hour to stretch that sore back and try to get out the kinks in thirty seconds. The whole day can be laid out by the level of pain you're experiencing. “Oh I’m mildly uncomfortable?” It must be close to lunch time. Then later “Wow, I’m ready to lay out on a heating pad and never move again.” Must be about time to clock out. Back pain is the one of most common conditions to plague office workers. It is always helpful to get up and walk around, but stretching is a more direct way to battle back pain and there are many that can be done right at your desk while you work.

  • Seated Lateral Trunk Stretch 

    • While in a seated position, raise one arm over your head.

    • Place your other hand on your thigh for support.

    • Slowly bend to the opposite side until you feel a comfortable stretch along the side of your trunk.

    • Hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds, then repeat 3-5 times on each side.

  • Seated Knee to Chest Stretch

    • While sitting in a chair, raise one knee as if you are marching until you can reach it with your hands.

    • Use both hands to pull the bent knee up toward your chest until you feel a gentle stretch in the lower back and back of the hip.

    • Your hands can be on top of your knee or behind your knee for comfort.

    • Hold this position for 15-20 seconds, then repeat 3-5 times on each side.

  • Seated Forward Fold Stretch

    • Sit on a chair with your knees together and feet flat on the floor.

    • Breathe. On the exhale, round your shoulders and bend forward one vertebrae at a time.

    • Let your head drop completely and arms fall naturally by your sides.

    • Hold this position for 3 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position.

  • Seated Figure 4 Stretch

    • Seated in a chair, cross one leg on top of the other so that your ankle is sitting over the opposite knee.

    • Place one hand on the knee of the crossed leg.

    • Gently lean your trunk forward while pressing gently on the crossed knee until you feel a mild to moderate stretch in the hip and buttock area.

    • Hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds, then repeat 3-5 times on each side.

All of these stretches can be easily done at your desk at work and they may seem simple, but the benefits of adding these stretches to your daily routine can feel miraculous. Stretching helps to increase blood circulation to the more neglected part of your body which can be a key to preventing and relieving injuries especially in the back. On top of relief from back pain, frequent stretching has been known to improve posture, increase range of motion and flexibility, and decrease stress and headaches. Try setting an alarm twice a day to get in your daily stretches and see for yourself how big of a difference a few stretches can make. Still feeling stiff? Try a full body stretch from a local massage professional to loosen up.

Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness

Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness is a University Heights, OH based holistic wellness center specializing in massage, aromatherapy, post-operative therapy, pre & post natal therapy, and alternative healing practices.

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