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The Future of Business is Changing
Read more from our writers on how we think our future business world and what you can do to prepare for the change.
401(k) Plans Explained
401(k) plans have been around since the late 1970s and have become an integral part of almost every single career known to man. However, there are many people that get bogged down in all of the details of what these plans actually are. If you are one of those people, you’re in luck! We’re going to break it down for you.
Are You Ready to Be Your Own Boss?
Does being your own boss sound intriguing to you? Not having to answer to anyone, setting your own schedule, finally being able to have the time and money to do the things you want. In the wake of COVID-19, many Americans are opting into self-employed career changes at an unprecedented frequency. However, transitioning to a self-employed role can be overwhelming as well. If you’re interested in being your own boss, a great way to launch your self-employed career is becoming a REALTOR.
Seated Desk Stretches for Office Workers
Back pain is the one of most common conditions to plague office workers. It is always helpful to get up and walk around, but stretching is a more direct way to battle back pain and there are many that can be done right at your desk while you work.
What Employees Value in a Modern Workplace
The quintessential “traditional” workplace is being phased out as employers shift the benefits they offer to reflect those that modern employees value most in a company to which they're considering applying.
How Shopping at Locally-Owned Businesses Strengthens the New Economy
The What, Who, and How Much of ERISA Bonds
Designing a retirement plan for your company that maximizes the benefits to both you and your employees is a complex and multi-layered task. You have options ranging from a Defined Benefits Pension Plan to an employee-directed 401(k). But, whichever retirement package or packages you decide to offer, the most important thing is that you protect both your business and your employees from losses due to theft or fraud, because it won’t matter which retirement products you can offer to your employees if their money is not protected.
Economic Projections and Implementation Strategy for the Widespread Adoption of AI
The impending widespread adoption of artificial intelligence will dramatically alter our global economic landscape. Businesses who prepare for and invest now in emerging technologies will gain an enormous economic advantage during and after the upcoming decade of explosive technological innovation and application.
Post-Pandemic: Maintaining and Growing 401(k)s in the New Economy
The number of companies offering pensions has decreased dramatically in recent years, and the prevalence of employers opting for a 401(k) in their place is projected to continue to flourish in a world on the other side of the Coronavirus. If you have a 401(k) retirement savings plan, the effort to predict how a post-pandemic economy will affect your nest egg has probably been top of mind.
UpDATA : Business & Finance Trends
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