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The Future of Business is Changing
Read more from our writers on how we think our future business world and what you can do to prepare for the change.
Pilfering Your Pension During the Pandemic
TIMES are unusual for certain, and many of us are concerned about our monthly cash flow – incomes may have dried up, but outgoings have not. But if we do not want to run up credit card debt to pay for our utilities, where else may we get our hands on some accessible cash? Many of us have savings in our retirement accounts – 401k or IRA accounts – and there are ways to access this money.
End-of-Life Peace of Mind: Planning Ahead for Funeral and Burial Expenses
Many of us would consider ourselves “planners.” We make financial plans for everything in our lives—our weddings, vacations, retirement, the births of our children. But, somehow it’s harder to sit down and plan out the details of our funeral—deciding how we’d like to be buried, discovering the cost of our preferred burial method, and then creating a plan for covering that expense.
How to Approach the AI Discussion with a Skeptic
Figuring out how to broach the topic of artificial intelligence with a skeptic can be tricky. For many, the mere mention of machine learning or Robotic Process Automation (RPA) conjures up images of packed unemployment lines due to massive job loss. Others are concerned primarily with artificial intelligence being programmed to do something devastating. Another group doesn’t believe that humans would necessarily program AI with a destructive or malicious intent, but they do think it’s possible that the artificial intelligence might develop a destructive method for achieving its goal, one which prioritizes its directive over what humans would consider common sense or morality.
What Employees Value in a Modern Workplace
The quintessential “traditional” workplace is being phased out as employers shift the benefits they offer to reflect those that modern employees value most in a company to which they're considering applying.
Changing Times, Changing Technologies
LAWYERS are not noted to be at the cutting edge of technology – indeed, conjure up a mental picture of lawyers at work and it probably includes piles of weighty leather-backed books, yellow scratch pads and highly polished wood. But, as with industries across all sectors in the economy, the legal profession is not immune from the changing tides of technology.
How COVID-19 Has Affected Retirement Planning
The Coronavirus pandemic has adjusted the trajectory of nearly every facet of our individual and collective lives, and planning for retirement is certainly no exception. Mass layoffs and a near-total lockdown on business activity in the United States have market shareholders on edge, and you're probably already anticipating that the pandemic will affect your retirement planning, too.
AI: The Solution to a National Mental Health Crisis
America is currently facing a mental health epidemic, and the tangential effects of COVID-19 are projected to exponentially exacerbate it in the coming years. Even before the pandemic began, experts predicted that the U.S.’ already overwhelmed mental health system would be short, at least, 15,600 psychiatrists, according to a 2017 report provided by the National Council for Behavioral Health.
How Shopping at Locally-Owned Businesses Strengthens the New Economy
Telehealth Will Revolutionize Healthcare Far Beyond COVID-19
The adoption of telemedicine technology has been historically slow-going despite a vast and growing research base. Now, upon the advent of the Coronavirus, healthcare systems around the globe are proactively exploring options in telemedicine that will help medical professionals provide life-saving services to patients exhibiting symptoms related to the virus, as well as those suffering from other chronic or acute diseases.
The What, Who, and How Much of ERISA Bonds
Designing a retirement plan for your company that maximizes the benefits to both you and your employees is a complex and multi-layered task. You have options ranging from a Defined Benefits Pension Plan to an employee-directed 401(k). But, whichever retirement package or packages you decide to offer, the most important thing is that you protect both your business and your employees from losses due to theft or fraud, because it won’t matter which retirement products you can offer to your employees if their money is not protected.
A Brief Introduction to Natural Language Processing for Software
The nature of the human language is ambiguous and nuanced. That’s precisely why computers have such a tough time processing it. They understand hard and fast data sets and rules that either don’t change or only change under given, pre-mapped sets of circumstances.
Scent-Marketing: Get Creative with Your Branding
Aromatherapy can trigger pleasant emotional and physiological responses--that much we all know. Most of us have experienced this aroma-therapeutic phenomenon for ourselves when getting ready for bed with lavender-scented body products or coming home to the smell of warm, baking bread. Science supports the theory that smells can activate our deepest memories and emotions, but did you know that there has been a field in market research and development for decades that designs and infuses businesses with custom scents to help build brand recognition? Logos are important, but the visual representation of a brand is far less effective than a scent logo at enticing customers to stay longer, spend more money, and come back more frequently. Knowing the ins and outs of this concept could be your best bet to thriving as a business in today's fast-paced and largely digital age.
Economic Projections and Implementation Strategy for the Widespread Adoption of AI
The impending widespread adoption of artificial intelligence will dramatically alter our global economic landscape. Businesses who prepare for and invest now in emerging technologies will gain an enormous economic advantage during and after the upcoming decade of explosive technological innovation and application.
A Brief Guide to Succession Planning for Business Owners
A weighty topic, succession planning for business owners involves considering both one's own mortality and the future of a company for which you've sacrificed and of which you've become proud--your legacy. The task is daunting, but a well-designed plan is necessary and should be thoughtfully and properly composed in order to best streamline its execution at your passing.
Post-Pandemic: Maintaining and Growing 401(k)s in the New Economy
The number of companies offering pensions has decreased dramatically in recent years, and the prevalence of employers opting for a 401(k) in their place is projected to continue to flourish in a world on the other side of the Coronavirus. If you have a 401(k) retirement savings plan, the effort to predict how a post-pandemic economy will affect your nest egg has probably been top of mind.
UpDATA : Business & Finance Trends
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